[Issue 4869] auto return + inheritance + modules = compiler crashes(toctype.c)

d-bugmail at puremagic.com d-bugmail at puremagic.com
Tue Sep 14 23:58:16 PDT 2010


--- Comment #3 from Don <clugdbug at yahoo.com.au> 2010-09-14 23:57:45 PDT ---
This is happening because semantic3() isn't run on the base class function.
Bug 3602 has a similar root cause.

A workaround is to use the function in module b.d. This forces semantic3 to be
run on 'fun'.
void workaround(Derived d)
   auto k = d.fun();

Mitigation patch (turns it into rejects-valid):
tocsym.c, line 349, FuncDeclaration::toSymbol()

        s = symbol_calloc(id);
+        // Ensure function has a return value
+        if (type->ty == Tfunction && !((TypeFunction *)type)->next)
+        {
+            error("Internal Compiler Error. See Bugzilla 4869.");
+            // Prevent a later crash
+            ((TypeFunction *)type)->next = Type::tint32;
+        }
            s->prettyIdent = toPrettyChars();
            s->Sclass = SCglobal;

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