[Issue 5719] [patch] std.conv.to should support structs with custom converters in addition to objects

d-bugmail at puremagic.com d-bugmail at puremagic.com
Fri Jul 1 13:17:48 PDT 2011


Jonathan M Davis <jmdavisProg at gmx.com> changed:

           What    |Removed                     |Added
                 CC|                            |jmdavisProg at gmx.com
           Severity|normal                      |enhancement

--- Comment #2 from Jonathan M Davis <jmdavisProg at gmx.com> 2011-07-01 13:12:48 PDT ---
There are several pull requests affect std.conv.to at the moment which will
change the situation and which will likely be merged in soon. Among other
things, they get rid of the member function to conversion and make std.conv.to
work with overloaded opCast.


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