[Issue 6946] New: Compile-time flags generator
d-bugmail at puremagic.com
d-bugmail at puremagic.com
Sun Nov 13 20:13:55 PST 2011
Summary: Compile-time flags generator
Product: D
Version: D2
Platform: All
OS/Version: All
Status: NEW
Severity: enhancement
Priority: P2
Component: Phobos
AssignedTo: nobody at puremagic.com
ReportedBy: bearophile_hugs at eml.cc
--- Comment #0 from bearophile_hugs at eml.cc 2011-11-13 20:13:10 PST ---
A basic version of a compile-time enum-based bit flags:
import std.traits: isUnsigned;
import std.string: split;
import std.conv: text;
import std.algorithm: canFind;
bool isReservedWord(in string w) {
string[] reservedWords = "abstract alias align asm
assert auto body bool break byte case cast catch cdouble cent cfloat
char class const continue creal dchar debug default delegate delete
deprecated do double else enum export extern false final finally
float for foreach foreach_reverse function goto idouble if ifloat
immutable import in inout int interface invariant ireal is lazy long
macro mixin module new nothrow null out override package pragma
private protected public pure real ref return scope shared short
static struct super switch synchronized template this throw true try
typedef typeid typeof ubyte ucent uint ulong union unittest ushort
version void volatile wchar while with __FILE__ __LINE__ __gshared
__thread __traits".split();
return canFind(reservedWords, w);
string bitFlags(BaseType)(string enumName, string enumItems)
if (isUnsigned!BaseType) {
assert (enumItems.split().length < (BaseType.sizeof * 8),
text("BaseType (", BaseType.stringof,
") doesn't have enough bits to represent all the
string result = text("enum ", enumName, " : ", BaseType.stringof, " {\n");
foreach (i, flag; enumItems.split()) {
assert(!isReservedWord(flag), text("enum '", flag, "' is a D
result ~= text(" ", flag, " = (1 << ", i, "),\n");
return result ~ "}";
// example usage:
mixin(bitFlags!size_t("MyEnum", "A B C D"));
//mixin(bitFlags!ulong("MyEnum", "A B C D")); // writeln bug
void main() {
import std.stdio;
This code lacks many handy features, including safety features when you combine
flags with MyEnum.A|MyEnum.B, but for a basic usage, if you have many flags, it
seems better than not using it.
Note: in this simple implementation the first enum (here MyENum.A) equals to
2^0 = 1, so there is no enum for zero. Change this if you want.
I'd probably like a function like isReservedWord() too in Phobos. Here the
reservedWords array is not static because I need to call isReservedWord() at
compile time too.
Even if flags are sometimes more complex than the ones this function generates,
I think something like this (but improved) is useful in Phobos for the common
basic situations.
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