[Issue 7484] std.algorithm.copy overlapping array copy

d-bugmail at puremagic.com d-bugmail at puremagic.com
Sun Feb 12 08:10:20 PST 2012


--- Comment #6 from Ellery Newcomer <ellery-newcomer at utulsa.edu> 2012-02-12 08:10:17 PST ---
Awesome. May I additionally request that overlapping copy be mentioned in the

1: in std.algorithm.copy

something like

copy(a[5 .. 10], a[4 .. 9]); //valid
copy(a[4 .. 9], a[5 .. 10]); //invalid
copy(retro(a[5 .. 10]), retro(a[4 .. 9])); // invalid
copy(retro(a[4 .. 9]), retro(a[5 .. 10])); // valid

2: in Language / Arrays / Array Copying

just point the reader to std.algorithm.copy for overlapping copy

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