[Issue 4600] writeln() is not thread-safe

d-bugmail at puremagic.com d-bugmail at puremagic.com
Wed May 22 23:59:03 PDT 2013


Jameson <beatgammit at gmail.com> changed:

           What    |Removed                     |Added
                 CC|                            |beatgammit at gmail.com

--- Comment #1 from Jameson <beatgammit at gmail.com> 2013-05-22 23:59:00 PDT ---
(In reply to comment #0)
> Okay. Maybe I misunderstood something somewhere, but as I understand it,
> writeln() is supposed to be thread-safe. Multiple threads can interleave lines
> that they're printing, but each line that a thread prints with writeln() is
> supposed to be completely printed before a line from another thread can be
> printed. However, at least some of the time, the output from one thread is
> mixed with another on the same line. For instance, take this program:
> import std.concurrency;
> import std.stdio;
> void main(string[] args)
> {
>     spawn(&func1, thisTid, args.idup);
>     spawn(&func2, thisTid, args.idup);
>     writeln("main() 1");
>     writeln("main() 2");
>     writeln("main() 3");
> }
> void func1(Tid parentTid, immutable string[] args)
> {
>     writefln("func1() begin");
>     writefln("func1(): %s", args);
>     writefln("func1() end");
> }
> void func2(Tid parentTid, immutable string[] args)
> {
>     writefln("func2() begin");
>     writefln("func2(): %s", args);
>     writefln("func2() end");
> }

I couldn't reproduce this with the current DMD. This issue is quite old, so
it's possibly invalid now.

I'm running Linux x86_64 with DMD 2.062. Also tried ldc2 (targeting DMD 2.061),
no problems.

Can this be closed?

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