[Issue 10177] irrelevant compiler error messages: should stop semantic3 passes after 1st error is encountered

d-bugmail at puremagic.com d-bugmail at puremagic.com
Thu May 30 03:08:38 PDT 2013


--- Comment #1 from thelastmammoth at gmail.com 2013-05-30 03:08:29 PDT ---
ok i managed to reduce with a bit of manual and a bit of dustmite:

import functional;
import test;

void fun3(){
    import std.array:split;
    enum a=split(``," ");

import std.stdio;
void fun(){
   1==b; //that's where the real error is

rdmd --force -unittest main.d
it spills out lots of irrelevant stuff:
test.d(4): Error: undefined identifier b
src/phobos/std/algorithm.d(2376): Error: template std.algorithm.find does not
match any function template declaration. Candidates are:
functional.d(3):        instantiated from here: split!(string, string)
functional.d(3): Error: template instance std.array.split!(string, string)
error instantiating
functional.d(3): Error: CTFE failed because of previous errors in split

running with -v i get:
semantic3 test
test.d(4): Error: undefined identifier b
semantic3 functional
[irrelevant errors follow]

So once again, I see the same cause and probably same solution: stop semantic3
passes at 1st error occurence.

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