[Issue 12851] ICE when passing const static array to template

via Digitalmars-d-bugs digitalmars-d-bugs at puremagic.com
Sat Jun 7 08:23:12 PDT 2014


--- Comment #1 from Kenji Hara <k.hara.pg at gmail.com> ---
Please paste case code directly, or attach the source file.

// From http://dpaste.dzfl.pl/ef876e8a6cc9
template toTypeTuple(alias range)
    import std.range : isInputRange;
    import std.traits : isArray, isNarrowString;
    import std.typetuple: TypeTuple;
    alias Arr = typeof(range);
    static if (isArray!Arr && !isNarrowString!Arr)
        static if (range.length == 0)
            alias toTypeTuple = TypeTuple!();
        else static if (range.length == 1)
            alias toTypeTuple = TypeTuple!(range[0]);
            alias toTypeTuple = TypeTuple!(toTypeTuple!(range[0 .. $/2]),
toTypeTuple!(range[$/2 .. $]));
    else static if (isInputRange!Arr)
        import std.array : array;
        alias toTypeTuple = toTypeTuple!(array(range));
        import std.string : format;
        static assert (0, format("Cannot transform %s of type %s into a
TypeTuple.", range, Arr.stringof));

template staticZip(alias values, Indices...)
    import std.typetuple;

    template Pair(T...)
        if (T.length == 2)
        alias Pair = TypeTuple!(T);

    static if (Indices.length == 1 && values.length == 1)
        alias staticZip = TypeTuple!(Pair!(Indices[0], values[0]));
        alias staticZip = TypeTuple!(Pair!(Indices[0], values[0]),
staticZip!(Indices[1..$], values[1..$]));

struct Index(int upperBound)
if (upperBound > 0)
    import std.range;

    enum range = toTypeTuple!(iota(upperBound));
    enum length = range.length;

    alias rangeType = typeof(range[0]);
    alias rangeType this;

alias N = Index!5;

void main()
    import std.typetuple;

    const int[5] arr;

    pragma(msg, staticZip!(arr, N));


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