[Issue 14480] dmd 2.067 x64 release codegen
via Digitalmars-d-bugs
digitalmars-d-bugs at puremagic.com
Fri Apr 24 06:03:27 PDT 2015
--- Comment #6 from fengli at gmail.com ---
Here's a reduced test case
// compile on windows with "dmd -m64 -O test.d" => BAD
import std.stdio;
import std.array;
import std.math;
import std.algorithm;
import std.range;
struct Vector(T, alias N)
enum size = N;
alias T ValueType;
alias v this;
this (T...) (T args)
static if(args.length == 1)
v[] = args[0];
else static if(args.length == N)
v[] = [args];
static assert("wrong number of arguments");
Vector opUnary(string op)() const
if( op =="-" )
mixin("return Vector(" ~ Unroll!("v[%] * (-1)", N, ",") ~ ");");
Vector opBinary(string op)(auto ref in T rhs) const
if( op == "+" || op =="-" || op=="*" || op=="/" )
mixin("return Vector(" ~ Unroll!("v[%]"~op~"rhs", N, ",") ~ ");");
Vector opBinary(string op)(auto ref in Vector rhs) const
if( op == "+" || op =="-" || op=="*" || op=="/" )
mixin("return Vector(" ~ Unroll!("v[%]"~op~"rhs.v[%]", N, ",") ~ ");");
ref Vector opOpAssign(string op)(auto ref in Vector rhs)
if( op == "+" || op =="-" || op=="*" || op=="/" )
return this;
static if (N >= 1)
T x() const { return v[0]; }
ref T x() { return v[0]; }
static if (N >= 2)
T y() const { return v[1]; }
ref T y() { return v[1]; }
static if (N >= 3)
T z() const { return v[2]; }
ref T z() { return v[2]; }
alias v this;
T[N] v;
protected template Unroll(alias CODE, alias N, alias SEP="")
import std.string;
enum t = replace(CODE, "%", "%1$d");
enum Unroll = iota(N).map!(i => format(t, i)).join(SEP);
V.ValueType dot(V, V2)(auto ref in V v1, auto ref in V2 v2)
if( is(V.ValueType == V2.ValueType) )
return mixin(Unroll!("v1[%]*v2[%]", V.size, "+"));
void bezier(T)(in T p1, in T p2, in T p3, in T p4, int indent)
writefln("%s%s %s %s %s", replicate(" ", indent), p1, p2, p3, p4);
auto p12 = (p1 + p2) / 2;
auto p23 = (p2 + p3) / 2;
auto p34 = (p3 + p4) / 2;
auto p123 = (p12 + p23) / 2;
auto p234 = (p23 + p34) / 2;
auto p1234 = (p123 + p234) / 2;
auto d = p4 - p1;
auto d2 = fabs(((p2.x - p4.x) * d.y - (p2.y - p4.y) * d.x));
auto d3 = fabs(((p3.x - p4.x) * d.y - (p3.y - p4.y) * d.x));
if((d2 + d3)*(d2 + d3) < 0.25 * dot(d, d))
bezier(p1, p12, p123, p1234, indent+2);
bezier(p1234, p234, p34, p4, indent+2);
int main(string[] args)
alias Vector!(double, 2) VEC;
auto p1 = VEC(563.022, 319.849);
auto p2 = VEC(534.772, 266.534);
auto p3 = VEC(551.44, 365.862);
auto p4 = VEC(551.44, 365.862);
return 0;
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