[Issue 15272] [2.069-rc2,inline] nothing written to output when -inline is set

via Digitalmars-d-bugs digitalmars-d-bugs at puremagic.com
Mon Nov 2 03:42:37 PST 2015


--- Comment #10 from ag0aep6g at gmail.com ---
(In reply to ag0aep6g from comment #7)
> Here's a reduction that segfaults reliably for me with -release -O -inline:
> ----
> ----

Reduced a little further, showing that bucketCount gets corrupted:
import core.stdc.stdio: printf;

pragma(inline, false) void[] calloc_(size_t bc) nothrow pure
    debug printf("%x\n", bc); /* prints "ffffffff", should print "1" */
    return [];

void main()
        File file_;

    auto scache = StringCache(1);

struct File
    ~this() {}

void nop() {}

struct StringCache
    this(size_t bucketCount)
        buckets = calloc_(bucketCount)[0 .. bucketCount];

    void[] buckets;


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