[Issue 15333] New: Assertion failed: (!fd->vthis->csym), function FuncDeclaration_toObjFile, file glue.c, line 1034.

via Digitalmars-d-bugs digitalmars-d-bugs at puremagic.com
Fri Nov 13 20:12:43 PST 2015


          Issue ID: 15333
           Summary: Assertion failed: (!fd->vthis->csym), function
                    FuncDeclaration_toObjFile, file glue.c, line 1034.
           Product: D
           Version: D2
          Hardware: x86
                OS: Mac OS X
            Status: NEW
          Severity: major
          Priority: P1
         Component: dmd
          Assignee: nobody at puremagic.com
          Reporter: deadalnix at gmail.com

Code :


module d.semantic.statement;

struct StatementVisitor {

    void visit() {
        Expression iterated;

        import d.semantic.identifier;
SymbolResolver!((e) {
new CompileError(
        })().resolveInExpression(iterated.location, iterated);

class CompileError {
    this(Location , string ) {

struct Location {}

class Expression {
    Location location;



module d.semantic.identifier;

alias SymbolResolver(alias handler) = IdentifierResolver!(handler, false);
 * Resolve identifier!(arguments).identifier as type or expression.
struct TemplateDotIdentifierResolver(alias handler, bool asAlias) {

    alias Ret = typeof(handler);

    Ret resolve(TemplateInstanciationDotIdentifier i) {
        import std.algorithm;
i.templateInstanciation.arguments.map!((a) {

 * General entry point to resolve identifiers.
struct IdentifierResolver(alias handler, bool asAlias) {

    alias Ret = typeof(handler);

    import d.semantic.statement;
    Ret resolveInExpression(Location , Expression) {

    Ret visit(TemplateInstanciationDotIdentifier i) {
TemplateDotIdentifierResolver!(handler, asAlias)().resolve(i);

class TemplateInstanciationDotIdentifier {
    TemplateInstanciation templateInstanciation;

class TemplateInstanciation {
    uint[] arguments;



auto dispatch(
    alias unhandled = {
        // XXX: Buggy for some reason.
        // throw new Exception(typeid(t).toString() ~ " is not supported by
visitor " ~ typeid(V).toString() ~ " .");
    }, V, T)(V visitor, T t) {
    return dispatchImpl!unhandled(visitor, t);

auto dispatchImpl(
    alias unhandled, V, T)(V visitor, T t) {
        alias o = t;

    import std.traits;
        import std.typetuple;
        alias Members = TypeTuple!(__traits(getOverloads, V, "visit"));

    foreach(visit; Members) {
        alias parameters = ParameterTypeTuple!visit;
            alias parameter = parameters;
return visitor.visit({
                        return fastCast!parameter(o);
                    } ());

U fastCast(U, T)(T t) {
    return *cast(U*) t;


Yeah the code is gnarly, this is the best reduction i can have so far.

$ dmd -c -oflibd.o d/semantic/identifier.d d/semantic/statement.d -m64 -inline
Assertion failed: (!fd->vthis->csym), function FuncDeclaration_toObjFile, file
glue.c, line 1034.

That makes it impossible to create an optimized build of SDC :'(


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