[Issue 16957] access function from inside template with same name

via Digitalmars-d-bugs digitalmars-d-bugs at puremagic.com
Wed Dec 7 16:40:02 PST 2016


--- Comment #1 from John Colvin <john.loughran.colvin at gmail.com> ---
a related problem that seems likely to have the same root cause:

T[N] bar(T, size_t N)(T[N] a)
    return a;

alias foo = bar; // remove this line and everything's ok.

template foo(alias r)
    enum s = bar(r);
    pragma(msg, typeof(s), " ", s);
    enum foo = s;

enum x = foo!([0,1,2]);

int[3] [0, 1, 2]
test.d(15): Error: cannot infer type from template instance foo!([0, 1, 2])


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