[Issue 16962] rdmd --build-only --force -c main.d fails: ./main: No such file or directory

via Digitalmars-d-bugs digitalmars-d-bugs at puremagic.com
Sun Dec 11 13:45:31 PST 2016


--- Comment #9 from Timothee Cour <timothee.cour2 at gmail.com> ---
>> Sorry, what is the use case of using -c ? I think it working was a mere accident. If you want to syntax-check the file, use dmd (not rdmd) with -o-. Or do you want to compile everything into a single object file for some reason?

Use case: when dmd's built-in linker magic isn't good enough (eg 
where i have to first compile then link to get -pie but I keep running into
similar issues where i want to link seperately because the default isn't good


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