[Issue 16264] BigInt multiplication crashes on 64-bit (biguintnoasm.d(276): Range violation)
via Digitalmars-d-bugs
digitalmars-d-bugs at puremagic.com
Mon Jul 11 07:33:44 PDT 2016
--- Comment #2 from Kirill Kryukov <kkryukov at gmail.com> ---
Since this crash occurs with particularly large operands, I took a look at the
dependence of this bug upon operand sizes. D's BigInt (and BigUint) is
represented internally as an array of uint (regardless of whether it's a 32-bit
and 64-bit compile).
The initial bug-report is with operand of 52 and 82 uints. I took a look at
other nearby sizes, and noticed that this bug lives in a narrow sector starting
around operand sizes 48 and 74 (in uints). The sector starts there and grows
wider as it goes:
Code used to fill this table (compile a.d into a.exe, then run test.pl):
===== a.d start =====
import std.conv: to;
import std.internal.math.biguintcore;
void main(string[] args)
uint alen = to!uint(args[1]);
uint blen = to!uint(args[2]);
string unitstr = args[3];
string astr = ``, bstr = ``;
for (int i = 0; i < alen; i++) astr ~= unitstr;
for (int i = 0; i < blen; i++) bstr ~= unitstr;
BigUint a, b;
assert(a.uintLength() == alen);
assert(b.uintLength() == blen);
BigUint c = BigUint.mul(a,b); // Crashes
===== a.d end =====
===== test.pl start =====
my ($mina,$maxa,$minb,$maxb) = (40,80,70,120);
print ' ';
for (my $b = $minb; $b <= $maxb; $b++) { printf " %3d", $b; }
print "\n";
for (my $a = $mina; $a <= $maxa; $a++)
printf " %3d", $a;
for (my $b = $minb; $b <= $maxb; $b++)
my $e = system("a.exe $a $b FFFFFFFF 2>nul");
print ' ', ($e ? 1 : 0);
print "\n";
===== test.pl end =====
I also checked 32-bit compiles - no crashes with any of these operand sizes.
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