[Issue 18698] static foreach + __traits(allMembers, moduleName)

d-bugmail at puremagic.com d-bugmail at puremagic.com
Sun Apr 1 12:08:58 UTC 2018


--- Comment #5 from Ketmar Dark <ketmar at ketmar.no-ip.org> ---
[i]>I've been using this for almost 10 years[/i]
static foreach? so you really have a time machine, or a specially-crafted
compiler version you never gave others?! please, can you show us the 10 yo code
with `static foreach`, and the 10 yo old compiler you used to compile it?

this is normal thing for new language feature: some cases are missed. it will
eventually be fixed, and in the meantime you can write the code like us, mere
mortals did for those 10 years: without `static foreach`.


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