[Issue 19603] [Visual D] Fresh installation VS 2017 ComEdition: Could not load File or assembly ...

d-bugmail at puremagic.com d-bugmail at puremagic.com
Wed Jan 23 10:11:57 UTC 2019


--- Comment #2 from Marc Bach <marc.arnold.bach at gmail.com> ---
Your guess was correct after checking "Visual Studio Extension Development" I
am able to open initial Template.

Maybe it would be good to include this info in the documentation or trigger the
component install during installation.

Anyway it is not a round thing at all because the opened template is not able
to build and compile a simple "hello world" out of the box.
I had to fix the link.exe path by hand and still now it cannot launch debugger
on WindowsApp3.exe... I never asked to debug, it should simply comüpile, link
and execute...

I guess more paths twisted, more things not configured for a smoth initial
experience :(

=> issue fixed but due to lack of docu I will switch IDE if i find one


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