[Issue 20955] Test suite times out running tests in dmd/test, but leaves no clue which test hung

d-bugmail at puremagic.com d-bugmail at puremagic.com
Wed Aug 5 10:54:49 UTC 2020


Vladimir Panteleev <dlang-bugzilla at thecybershadow.net> changed:

           What    |Removed                     |Added
                 CC|                            |dlang-bugzilla at thecybershad
                   |                            |ow.net

--- Comment #2 from Vladimir Panteleev <dlang-bugzilla at thecybershadow.net> ---
Looking at the related code, it doesn't seem like any particular test timed
out; rather, the entire test execution timed out.


It would be nice to have some timestamps displaying how long each step took.
E.g., the output could be piped through the `ts` utility:


Here is a D implementation:



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