[Issue 10100] Identifiers with double underscores and allMembers
d-bugmail at puremagic.com
d-bugmail at puremagic.com
Thu Feb 20 21:56:50 UTC 2020
--- Comment #6 from Dlang Bot <dlang-bot at dlang.rocks> ---
dlang/dmd pull request #10791 "[dmd-cxx] Implement static foreach, aliasing
traits, and fix allMembers." was merged into dmd-cxx:
- 2c7947d0507d34e0f72899e9835b88ddf19c31e1 by Iain Buclaw:
[dmd-cxx] Implement static foreach, aliasing traits, and fix allMembers.
Implement DIP 1010 - (Static foreach)
Support for `static foreach` has been added.
`static foreach` is a conditional compilation construct that is to `foreach`
what `static if` is to `if`.
It is a convenient way to generate declarations and statements by iteration.
import std.conv: to;
static foreach(i; 0 .. 10)
// a `static foreach` body does not introduce a nested scope
// (similar to `static if`).
// The following mixin declaration is at module scope:
mixin(`enum x` ~ to!string(i) ~ ` = i;`); // declares 10 variables x0,
x1, ..., x9
import std.range: iota;
// all aggregate types that can be iterated with a standard `foreach`
// loop are also supported by static foreach:
static foreach(i; iota(10))
// we access the declarations generated in the first `static foreach`
pragma(msg, "x", i, ": ", mixin(`x` ~ to!string(i)));
static assert(mixin(`x` ~ to!string(i)) == i);
void main()
import std.conv: text;
import std.typecons: tuple;
import std.algorithm: map;
import std.stdio: writeln;
// `static foreach` has both declaration and statement forms
// (similar to `static if`).
static foreach(x; iota(3).map!(i => tuple(text("x", i), i)))
// generates three local variables x0, x1 and x2.
mixin(text(`int `,x[0],` = x[1];`));
scope(exit) // this is within the scope of `main`
writeln(x0," ",x1," ",x2); // first runtime output
Aliases can be created directly from a `__trait`.
Aliases can be created directly from the traits that return symbol(s) or
This includes `getMember`, `allMembers`, `derivedMembers`, `parent`,
`getVirtualFunctions`, `getVirtualMethods`, `getUnitTests`, `getAttributes`
and finally `getAliasThis`.
Previously an `AliasSeq` was necessary in order to alias their return.
Now the grammar allows to write shorter declarations:
struct Foo
static int a;
alias oldWay = AliasSeq!(__traits(getMember, Foo, "a"))[0];
alias newWay = __traits(getMember, Foo, "a");
To permit this it was more interesting to include `__trait` in the basic
rather than just changing the alias syntax. So additionally, wherever a type
a `__trait` can be used, for example in a variable declaration:
struct Foo { static struct Bar {} }
const(__traits(getMember, Foo, "Bar")) fooBar;
static assert(is(typeof(fooBar) == const(Foo.Bar)));
fix Issue 10100 - Identifiers with double underscores and allMembers
Convert the identifier whitelist into a blacklist of all possible
internal D language declarations.
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