[Issue 19949] C++ Mangling: no support for abi-tags from the Itanium ABI

d-bugmail at puremagic.com d-bugmail at puremagic.com
Sun Mar 15 23:22:33 UTC 2020


--- Comment #5 from Dlang Bot <dlang-bot at dlang.rocks> ---
@Geod24 created dlang/dmd pull request #10927 "Fix issue 19949: Implement
support for C++ ABI tags" fixing this issue:

- Fix issue 19949 - C++ Mangling: add support for abi-tags from the Itanium ABI

  Implements C++ ABI tags with a few more restruction than the previous PR
  In particular, do not follow C++ source-level conventions when impractical
  (e.g. propagation). Since this is a feature that will be seldom used by
  I favored implementation simplicity over user-friendly semantics.

  Co-Authored-By: سليمان السهمي  (Suleyman Sahmi) <sahmi.soulaimane at gmail.com>



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