[Issue 21633] anonymous class local scope confusion

d-bugmail at puremagic.com d-bugmail at puremagic.com
Sat Feb 13 02:25:32 UTC 2021


--- Comment #1 from Adam D. Ruppe <destructionator at gmail.com> ---
Well, upon a review of Java and the D spec, there is a way, pass it as a
constructor arg:

    return new class (a) A { this(int a) { this.a = a; } };

What a weird syntax. In Java it is `new A(a) { }` which is a little less
strange. But whatever, this is a possible solution to use the var without
renaming it.

So I retract that part.

I still think the scope behavior, while legal, is problematic to the human eye
though, so leaving this enhancement request open.


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