[Issue 23520] pragma(inline, false) not applied to nested function declaration

d-bugmail at puremagic.com d-bugmail at puremagic.com
Thu Dec 1 13:16:18 UTC 2022


--- Comment #4 from RazvanN <razvan.nitu1305 at gmail.com> ---

> That is true, but in your original bug report you want to apply the pragma
> to the declarations inside the body, right? To be able to do that you need
> to create a PragmaDeclaration and attach it to the the scope of the pragma
> statement body (struct Scope has a field inlining of type PragmaDeclaration).

Of course we can implement a suboptimal algorithm where we go through the
members of the body and simply update the inlining field for functions. But
then the members will be reiterated for semantic analysis. I guess in the
general case this should not be a problem as I do not expect large
pragma(inline) blocks inside function bodies.


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