[Issue 23189] importC: __builtin_offsetof without struct/union/enum should emit proper error message

d-bugmail at puremagic.com d-bugmail at puremagic.com
Fri Oct 28 00:51:13 UTC 2022


--- Comment #6 from ryuukk_ <ryuukk.dev at gmail.com> ---
Here is a reduced code:

#define NK_OFFSETOF(st,m) (__builtin_offsetof(st,m))
#define NK_ALIGNOF(t) NK_OFFSETOF(struct {char c; t _h;}, _h)

struct nk_command{};

void test()
    const int align = NK_ALIGNOF(struct nk_command);

// using cpp -P -E 

void test()
    const int align = (__builtin_offsetof(struct {char c; struct nk_command

This code compile with GCC, but not with D importc:

bar.c(4): Error: expression expected, not `struct`
bar.c(4): Error: found `{` when expecting `)`
bar.c(4): Error: found `char` when expecting `)`
bar.c(4): Error: missing comma or semicolon after declaration of `extern ()`,
found `c` instead
bar.c(4): Error: identifier or `(` expected
bar.c(5): Error: identifier or `(` expected


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