[Issue 23626] [REG2.096] Template deduction with auto const ref Args... and delegate

d-bugmail at puremagic.com d-bugmail at puremagic.com
Sat Jan 14 19:24:41 UTC 2023


--- Comment #5 from Iain Buclaw <ibuclaw at gdcproject.org> ---
Still 3 files, but one possible reduction.

void __trace_maybeDumpTupleToFile(Args)(ref const Args ) { }

auto as(Func)(Func) {}

@nogc void foo() { }

void assertOp(LHS)(LHS lhs) {
    try {
      try as(lhs);
      catch(Throwable) foo;
    } catch(Throwable) assert(false);

struct FixedArray(T) {
  int a = !FixedArray;

  T* some_function() {
    return null;
  alias some_function this;

struct ReclamationBatch {

  FixedArray!(uint) dummy;

  @nogc nothrow void some_inout_func() { }

  void func_2(Dlg)(Dlg dlg) {

  void _reclaimBatch() {
    func_2({ some_inout_func; });

interface Timeline { }

struct Policy {
  alias OldTagCallback = void delegate() @nogc nothrow;
  Timeline timeline;
  OldTagCallback oldTagCB;

import static_hash;

struct Tiering {
    StaticHashTable!(Policy) policies;

struct StaticHashTable(V) {
    V v;

Bonus source file, a minimal object.d to also rule out druntime.
module object;

alias size_t = ulong;

class Object { }

class TypeInfo
    size_t getHash(const void* ) nothrow { }

class TypeInfo_Const : TypeInfo { }
class Throwable { }
bool _xopEquals() { }


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