[Issue 23179] Unicode in symbol names in DLLs breaks MSVC linker

d-bugmail at puremagic.com d-bugmail at puremagic.com
Thu Jan 26 09:26:42 UTC 2023


--- Comment #6 from Richard Cattermole <alphaglosined at gmail.com> ---
They won't eventually fix this.

It permeates the kernel and WinAPI as well.

It is an intentional limitation that occasionally becomes an issue on other
platforms as well. Other languages like Rust use Punycode for encoding Unicode.

I picked hex for my implementation because it's easy to encode and also decode.

So making this WONTFIX not only prevents statically binding against c/c++ code
but it also leaves people who have Unicode names in symbols with no option to
compile their existing codebases as DLLs.


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