[Issue 24027] error: instantiated from here: `maxElement!("a.a", A[])`

d-bugmail at puremagic.com d-bugmail at puremagic.com
Sat Jul 15 15:18:19 UTC 2023


--- Comment #5 from Dlang Bot <dlang-bot at dlang.rocks> ---
dlang/phobos pull request #8782 "merge stable" was merged into master:

- dfcbee7056318734aaa88d9051369463eb94c637 by FeepingCreature:
  Fix issue 24027: Instead of a bunch of special-cases, just check that
`Rebindable` did in fact alias itself away.
  This looks ugly, but it's just for the `stable` branch - this is fixed on
`master` via the `Rebindable2` rewrite



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