[Issue 21915] dmd 2.092 is an invalid exe file on Windows XP

d-bugmail at puremagic.com d-bugmail at puremagic.com
Tue Mar 21 11:56:52 UTC 2023


--- Comment #4 from Need start discordphobing netlifyphobing mirahezephobing makefilephobing gitphobing gnuphobing llvmphobing 265 993 303 <piotrunio-2004 at wp.pl> ---
So why can't dmd be a classic Win32 app just like dmc? Are there any licensing
issues preventing optlink from being used for certain executable types? In my
opinion introducing artificial requirements implicitly encourages e-waste. I
can't move on from C++98 if dmd is going to be like this.


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