[Issue 24265] ref delegate no longer implicitly converts to unannotated type

d-bugmail at puremagic.com d-bugmail at puremagic.com
Wed Nov 29 20:07:24 UTC 2023


--- Comment #4 from Paul Backus <snarwin+bugzilla at gmail.com> ---
Looks like this only happens when the return attribute is inferred.

void test()
    int a;

    ref int f();
    ref int g() return;
    ref int h() => a; // return inferred
    typeof(&f) dg;
    dg = &g; // line 9
    dg = &h; // line 10


bug.d(9): Error: cannot implicitly convert expression `&g` of type `int
delegate() ref return` to `int delegate() ref`
bug.d(10): Error: cannot implicitly convert expression `&h` of type `int
delegate() pure nothrow @nogc ref @safe` to `int delegate() ref`


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