[Issue 24837] Can't version() or static if() to include keys in an enum

d-bugmail at puremagic.com d-bugmail at puremagic.com
Tue Oct 29 14:13:19 UTC 2024


--- Comment #3 from Jonathan M Davis <issues.dlang at jmdavisProg.com> ---
(In reply to Max Samukha from comment #2)
> (In reply to Jonathan M Davis from comment #1)
> > I would _love_ to be able to do this, but Walter's response has been what it
> > often is with version-related stuff - that duplicating the whole thing is
> > less error-prone and avoids the huge mess that you often get with #ifdefs in
> > C/C++.
> > 
> > *** This issue has been marked as a duplicate of issue 9761 ***
> What's next? Ban 'if's because a programmer can abuse them? I recently had
> to port a >500 member C enum and resort, again, to string mixins to work
> around this poorly justified limitation.

The best one to explain Walter's stance would be Walter, but from what I
understand, he's of the opinion that #ifdefs in C/C++ are routinely misused and
result in an unmaintainable mess - in large part because of boolean logic,
which is why version statements don't have boolean logic.

And when it comes to stuff like differences in OS-specific declarations, he's
of the opinion that the least error-prone approach is to duplicate them all for
each OS rather than do something like is discussed here. Even the symbols that
are the same across multiple OSes typically end up with their own, separate
declarations in druntime. Of course, in many cases, they actually differ
slightly, and combining them wouldn't work anyway, but he wants each OS to be
distinct so that you get errors on other OSes which haven't had those symbol
bindings added yet rather than getting something that might be wrong. Honestly,
I'm kind of surprised that he ever agreed to the Posix version identifier, but
that was probably based on the idea that POSIX-specific symbols were
standardized and could be declared that way (when in reality, there's enough
leeway in the standard that you still need separate declarations; typically, at
best, you can make it so that the code calling POSIX functions is shared across
OSes; the declarations typically couldn't be even if you wanted to).

This is a position that Walter has been adamant on for years, and I wouldn't
expect it to change.

Of course, in many cases, you can work around the issue with static ifs (and
people frequently do), and there are cases where people will refuse to
duplicate code and will do stuff like use string mixins like you're talking
about. But Walter sees such as bad code and wants to discourage it.

Runtime stuff such as if statements do not have anywhere near the same level of
issues as #ifdefs do, and we really have no choice but to have them. So no,
Walter isn't going to look to ban them, but there are plenty of other cases in
the language where problematic stuff has been banned. You can't have an if
statement or loop with ; for a body precisely because it's error-prone (and it
only saves you a single token over {}). We no longer have implicit fallthrough
on case statements unless they're empty. There are errors with regards to
variables shadowing one another inside a function in order to prevent bugs with
those. The list goes on. In cases where Walter decided that he could prevent
common bugs and encourage good code without actually restricting what you can
do with the language, he's done it (and he's done it in cases where others have
convinced him that it was a good idea). Naturally, there won't be complete
agreement on such features, and sometimes, his choices are going to annoy

Personally, I think that in many cases, duplicating declarations is very much
the right call, since it makes it much less likely to accidentally have a
symbol that only works on a single OS versioned for multiple OSes. But it does
sometimes get annoying how much code duplication you end up with in bindings.

However, with regards to enum declarations, I very much wish that we could use
version statements or static ifs. I think that that particular case is
different enough that the risk is worth the reduced code duplication. But
Walter doesn't agree, and he's rejected the idea whenever he's responded to it.


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