Is there an IDE with a working graphic debuger under Linux ?
Ary Manzana
ary at
Wed Aug 29 03:30:01 PDT 2007
You can try Descent, which works with GDB for linux:
lalebarde escribió:
> Hello,
> I want to start a new project with D. I have installed both dmd and gdc under my gentoo (gcc with use flag D for the last). From my research, it appears only codeblocks and eclipse deal with D. I have installed codeblocks. D projects are proposed, there are configurations both for dmd and gdc. It sounds ok.
> At compilation, only gdc is working. It is not an issue for me since at this step, I don't care using one or the other.
> Debugging fails. I made some research on the web, found the patches for gdb 6.3, 6.4, 6.5 at, modify the gdb6.5-r2 ebuild to apply the 6.5 patch (inspired from, force this release to be compiled. I checked the patches are correctly applyed.
> Debugging behave and fails the same : the line where I set a breakpoint is not highlighted when the program is stopped there. Running line by line does not work (behave like a resume), some breakpoints are not seen.
> I spent more time on the web and found here - - that codeblocks have problems with d debugger.
> So, my question is : What IDE most suit D, with working graphic debugger ?
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