[ddbg] Unable to find source files

Regan Heath regan at netmail.co.nz
Thu Jul 19 02:38:39 PDT 2007

I am getting the same sort of error but my situation is almost entirely 
different :)

I'm using code::blocks.  I have:

E:\Program Files\CodeBlocks
E:\D\DMD\BIN    <-ddbg installed here

I followed the directions on the ddbg site to setup the debugger etc.

I created a new project in CodeBlocks:


adding 1 file


which I open and add 1 breakpoint, then I run and get:

 > break "E:/D/src/Sudoku/sudoku.d:5"
Soure file "E:\D\src\Sudoku\sudoku.d" not found

in the Debugger(debug) window and it does not stop on the breakpoint.

The interesting thing is that in command prompt the path 
"E:/D/src/Sudoku/sudoku.d" cannot be found, but changing one path set 
from / to \ and it can!

C:\Development>dir "E:/D/src/Sudoku/sudoku.d"
  Volume in drive E is REMOVABLE
  Volume Serial Number is 9C9D-85FE

  Directory of E:\D\src\Sudoku

File Not Found

C:\Development>dir "E:/D/src/Sudoku\sudoku.d"
  Volume in drive E is REMOVABLE
  Volume Serial Number is 9C9D-85FE

  Directory of E:\D\src\Sudoku

19/07/2007  10:24             5,782 sudoku.d
                1 File(s)          5,782 bytes
                0 Dir(s)     131,833,856 bytes free

The line number ":5" is correct.


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