[ddbg] How do I get further

Ty Tower tytower at hotmail.com.au
Sat Mar 15 23:08:26 PDT 2008

Jason House Wrote:

> Jascha Wetzel Wrote:
> > I'm also interested in reproducing this problem myself, because of the 
> > truncated stacktrace. If you can create a small testcase, i'd appreciate 
> > you sending me it.
> I've finally nailed it down to a simple file.  Sometimes, this will crash dmd 1.018.  Other times it's just an executable that crashes.  I have not yet tried it with a newer dmd.  It never gets into main, which may explain the short stack output.  I have not tested this with phobos either (only tango 0.99).
> version=crash;
> //version=work1;
> //version=work2;
> //version=work3;
> interface I{
> }
> class C : public I{
> }
> unittest{
>         version(crash) scope I def = new C;
>         version(work1) scope C def = new C;
>         version(work2)       I def = new C;
>         version(work3)       C def = new C;
> }
> int main(){
>         return 0;
> }
appears to compile in 1.027 OK 
Linux machine

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