What's the proper way to debug D programs with GDB?

Vladimir Panteleev vladimir at thecybershadow.net
Fri Mar 12 11:03:42 PST 2010

On Fri, 12 Mar 2010 18:53:05 +0200, Robert Clipsham  
<robert at octarineparrot.com> wrote:

> It seems dmd is producing bad debug info here, you should report a bug  
> if you can narrow it down to a test case which still does that. I've  
> never had a problem using ldc with gdb and gdb-patches, so you could try  
> that if you're using D1/Tango. Otherwise I don't know what to suggest,  
> until the dmd bug is fixed... Other people have had similar problems, so  
> if you manage to get a test case that you can put in bugzilla it might  
> catch Walter's attention, getting gdb playing nicely with D seems to be  
> important to him :)

Thanks for the quick response! Unfortunately I'm still using D1/Phobos  
(*cough* get off my lawn... hehe). I'm going to give gdc a shot, though.

I could e-mail Walter a binary, but it doesn't look like it's necessary,  
according to grauzone's post.

Best regards,
  Vladimir                            mailto:vladimir at thecybershadow.net

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