What's the proper way to debug D programs with GDB?

Bernard Helyer b.helyer at gmail.com
Thu Mar 25 14:27:59 PDT 2010

On 26/03/10 04:30, Robert Clipsham wrote:
> On 25/03/10 00:03, Bernard Helyer wrote:
>> On 19/03/10 12:32, Robert Clipsham wrote:
>>> On 18/03/10 23:22, Bernard Helyer wrote:
>>>> Okay got it. It's 6000 lines and six megabytes large (and hacked to all
>>>> hell, as the std.string templates started breaking, for some reason),
>>>> but it doesn't debug with `-gc`! What's the best way to get it to you?
>>> You can either upload it somewhere (eg http://omploader.org/ or some
>>> other file upload site if you've not got hosting), or email it to me (my
>>> address is the same as I use for the newsgroups). Either way if you
>>> tar/zip it up you should be able to save a few megs on that :)
>> Found another, no function pointers in this one, I think. It's much
>> smaller, too! D2, dmd -ofnetmon.bin netmon/*.d -gc -debug. Linux only.
>> http://omploader.org/iM3h0cw
> Excellent :) OmpLoader seems to be down right now, so I'll try again
> later... As soon as I can get it I'll see what I can do. In the mean
> time you could upload it somewhere else or email it to me directly (I'll
> post here once I've got it :)).

Okay, I sent it to you. You should receive it with any luck.

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