VisualD DParserComServer madness(100+)

Guillaume Piolat first.last at
Thu May 14 09:53:34 UTC 2020

On Sunday, 23 February 2020 at 17:24:19 UTC, Rainer Schuetze 
> On 22/02/2020 14:11, BetaDamnit wrote:
>> I have no idea where they come from... I closed down VS hours 
>> ago and just now opened the task manager and saw all of them.
>> Taskkill /IM DParserCOMServer.exe /F
>> does work but it is not a solution.
> I suspect that these are remainders of Visual Studio crashing 
> for some reason. The server used to terminate itself after a 
> minute of not being connected to any instance of Visual D, but 
> that seems to no longer work...

Hi, I have the same problem unfortunately. It makes Visual D 
barely usable, and need computer reboot after a while (didn't 
know about Taskkill).

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