DWT Build problems with DMD 0.153
DBloke at NoSpam.org
Wed Apr 12 08:19:20 PDT 2006
Been trying to build DWT with latest DMD and latest DWT an Build
Running Windows XP SP2 below is output of error
deleting old intermediate files ...
C:\dmd\dwt\import>del *.obj *.map *.rsp *.lsp *.ksp *.def /s /q
Build release version ...
C:\dmd\dwt\import>build -release -clean -inline -w -lib -full -allobj
dwt\all.d -T..\lib\dwt.lib -version=OLE_COM -version=DRAG_DROP
dwt\custom\styledtext.d(294): identifier expected following '.', not 'scope'
dwt\custom\styledtext.d(304): identifier expected following '.', not 'scope'
dwt\custom\styledtext.d(532): identifier expected following '.', not 'scope'
dwt\custom\styledtext.d(536): identifier expected following '.', not 'scope'
dwt\printing\printerdata.d(63): no identifier for declarator int
dwt\printing\printerdata.d(63): semicolon expected, not 'scope'
dwt\printing\printerdata.d(63): Declaration expected, not 'scope'
dwt\printing\printdialog.d(42): no identifier for declarator int
dwt\printing\printdialog.d(42): semicolon expected, not 'scope'
dwt\printing\printdialog.d(42): Declaration expected, not 'scope'
dwt\printing\printdialog.d(147): expression expected, not 'scope'
dwt\printing\printdialog.d(165): found 'scope' when expecting ')'
dwt\printing\printdialog.d(165): semicolon expected following function
dwt\printing\printdialog.d(165): Declaration expected, not ')'
dwt\printing\printdialog.d(270): expression expected, not 'scope'
dwt\printing\printdialog.d(338): identifier expected following '.', not
dwt\printing\printdialog.d(342): identifier expected following '.', not
dwt\printing\printdialog.d(359): found '=' when expecting '('
dwt\printing\printdialog.d(359): valid scope identifiers are exit,
failure, or success, not data
dwt\printing\printdialog.d(359): found '.' when expecting ')'
dwt\printing\printdialog.d(359): found ';' when expecting '('
Build debug version ...
C:\dmd\dwt\import>build -debug -g -unittest -clean -w -lib -full -allobj
dwt\all.d -T..\lib\dwtd.lib -version=OLE_COM -version=DRAG_DROP
dwt\custom\styledtext.d(294): identifier expected following '.', not 'scope'
dwt\custom\styledtext.d(304): identifier expected following '.', not 'scope'
dwt\custom\styledtext.d(532): identifier expected following '.', not 'scope'
dwt\custom\styledtext.d(536): identifier expected following '.', not 'scope'
dwt\printing\printerdata.d(63): no identifier for declarator int
dwt\printing\printerdata.d(63): semicolon expected, not 'scope'
dwt\printing\printerdata.d(63): Declaration expected, not 'scope'
dwt\printing\printdialog.d(42): no identifier for declarator int
dwt\printing\printdialog.d(42): semicolon expected, not 'scope'
dwt\printing\printdialog.d(42): Declaration expected, not 'scope'
dwt\printing\printdialog.d(147): expression expected, not 'scope'
dwt\printing\printdialog.d(165): found 'scope' when expecting ')'
dwt\printing\printdialog.d(165): semicolon expected following function
dwt\printing\printdialog.d(165): Declaration expected, not ')'
dwt\printing\printdialog.d(270): expression expected, not 'scope'
dwt\printing\printdialog.d(338): identifier expected following '.', not
dwt\printing\printdialog.d(342): identifier expected following '.', not
dwt\printing\printdialog.d(359): found '=' when expecting '('
dwt\printing\printdialog.d(359): valid scope identifiers are exit,
failure, or success, not data
dwt\printing\printdialog.d(359): found '.' when expecting ')'
dwt\printing\printdialog.d(359): found ';' when expecting '('
you may need to copy "dwt.lib" "dwtd.lib" to \dmd\lib
Press any key to continue . . .
dwt.lib or dwtd.lib are not built.
Is this a problem with new dmd compiler or something I am doing?
I edited the sc.ini file to reflect path where import is
version=7.51 Build 020
Thanks in advance
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