Are any GUI libs going to make use of signals/slots?

Craig Black cblack at
Wed Dec 6 10:00:34 PST 2006

"Chris Miller" <chris at> wrote in message 
news:op.tj42pfdcpo9bzi at tanu...
> On Tue, 05 Dec 2006 18:54:19 -0500, Craig Black <cblack at> wrote:
>> So you are satisfied with the functionality you have with your current
>> design.  OK.  As far as the example that you cited, this seems to be a
>> specific case.  In this case, would it not be a simple matter to 
>> maintain a
>> reference to the object that you don't want to be deallocated?
> But I told the timer to by registering a callback.. *shrug*
> I guess if majority of people prefer std.signals I'd switch; I might put 
> up a poll on the DFL forum.

I'm not saying you should switch.  It's just worth considering, that's all. 
If you feel that your current design is better, then no problem.

However, slots and signals are widely used in C++ without language support. 
With language support this approach is all the more attractive  It would be 
nice if all GUI libraries written in D used a standard communication 
mechanism.  Perhaps we could even work toward some sort of interoperability.



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