FLTK native in 'D'. Would that be useful?

MatthiasM dm at matthiasm.com
Fri Sep 1 07:15:00 PDT 2006

New commit to the svn.

As somewhat implied in my previous mail, I restarted the port from 
scratch, this time using some scripts to make life easier. It was also a 
great opportunity to put some recommendations from you guys in.

So, within two days I was able to port as much as I did in a week the 
first time around. Good. Windows are displayed, fonts can be loaded, 
rectangles can be drawn, and some mouse clicks are handled. Good enough 
to get a minimal UI up.

There is one other major change now which helps me tremendously: I am 
porting more literally, meaning, I am currently using C style strings. 
No support for D style strings yet. First the port, then the refinements.

Thanks for listening.


PS: I got some nice reactions from the FLTK community as well over the 
weeks. I also managed to clean the entire FLTK1.1.8 bug list. With that 
solid base, there may be some help coming up... .

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