What's the status on Linux/amd64 ?

Jacob Carlborg doob at me.com
Wed May 29 12:30:31 PDT 2013

On 2013-05-29 14:42, Calin Grosan wrote:

> I want to build dwt on linux x86_64 and I want you input before I cast
> my way to hell. Is it ok if, for example, I use double cast as in :
> java\nonstandard\UtfBase.d(193): Error: cannot cast from ulong to UTF8index
> UTF8index endIndex(in char[] s) {
>      return cast(UTF8index) cast(int)s.length;
> }

No reason for the second cast. Just do this:

return UTF8index(cast(int) s.length);

/Jacob Carlborg

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