codeblocks (x86_64) and DMD2 (32 bit)?

Gour D. gour at
Mon Oct 11 06:59:50 PDT 2010

On Mon, 11 Oct 2010 13:55:31 +0200
>>>>>> "Anders" == Anders F Björklund <afb at> wrote:

Anders> Just a thought... Looked like it had a plugin structure ?
Anders> i.e. "src/plugins/cppeditor" and "src/plugins/cpptools"
Anders> But it would need things like a front-end for completion.
Anders> So while you are recruiting new QtD maintainers anyway... :-)

Heh...I'm just starting with D and forgot all C++ I knew from the time
of Zortech.

Anders> Not sure what is needed for QtDesigner, opening the .ui ?

Not too familiar with it as well, but I'd assume so.

Anders> If you want to see more support for QtD or D2 in C::B,
Anders> you should post that to

I've sent a post...

Anders> It needs new developers to add *real* support for the D
Anders> languages, other than implementing as C++ compilers...

I agree. With more support it could become nice IDE for multi-platform
D development.



Gour  | Hlapicina, Croatia  | GPG key: CDBF17CA
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