DDT 0.5.0 ("Creamfields") released

Trass3r un at known.com
Thu Dec 1 08:54:06 PST 2011

>> Does DDT use a separate thread for parsing?
>> Editing bigger files can be extremely laggy.
> It does use a separate thread for parsing (standard practice with any  
> Eclipse IDE). Doesn't mean there can't be issues causing laggyness.
> I'm getting increasingly concerned with these reports of DDT becoming  
> slow when editing large files, but I don't know how to replicate them (I  
> don't program in D with large enough files to ever come across it), so  
> unless someone gives me some test data - the files they are editing,  
> machine specs, what they were doing (just typing or also doing content  
> assist, etc.) - it will be very hard to address this issue!

Ok, I'll try to come up with some test set the next time I experience this.

btw, 2 other small issues:
- if you use autocompletion when the cursor is at the start of another  
identifier, it overwrites it instead of inserting.

So the cursor is left to foo, I press Ctrl+Space, choose something and it  
overwrites foo.
Partial completion works correctly though: |foo -> dem|foo -> Ctrl+Space  
-> demangle|foo -> I choose my own demangleBla -> demangleBla| -> no foo  

- Is there a way to disable automatic builds on every save?
I currently just delete the response file contents in D Compile Options  
and replace the command with echo "ok".

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