DMD-2.065.0-b3 and VisualD x64 select optlink as linker

Rainer Schuetze r.sagitario at
Mon Feb 10 11:01:48 PST 2014

On 10.02.2014 14:56, Arjan wrote:
> I Installed the dmd-2.065.0-b3.exe on Window-7 (64bits) with VS2008
> (64bits) professional and VS2010Express(32bits) installed.
> The setup asks to which VS installs VisualD should be integrated, I
> checked VS2008 but the sc.ini file had the path refering the VS2010 dirs.

sc.ini is patched by the D installer to work with the latest Visual 
Studio version without additional settings. You can disable this in the 

Visual D does not touch sc.ini, but reads most of the settings from it. 
The linker options for x64 are usually overwritten by the settings on 
the "Projects and Solutions->Visual D settings->DMD directories->x64" 
options page.

> After correcting the sc.ini file to refer the VS2008 and SDK6.0A paths
> DMD64 cmd prompt worked correct. (invoking the correct ms link.exe and
> linking the correct libs).
> Testing the VisualD plugin in VS2008 however works for 32 bits but fails
> for x64.
> It somehow always uses optlink. (link.exe from dm)
> How do I fix this?

Check the settings on the page given above. If everything seems ok, 
please post the buildlog or the *.build.cmd file in the output directory.

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