code-d - A plugin for Visual Studio Code

WebFreak001 via Digitalmars-d-ide digitalmars-d-ide at
Sun Dec 6 03:53:11 PST 2015

First we worked on atomize-d which was the D plugin for atom but 
now I have created a new backend for our D plugins. Its called 
workspace-d ( which 
basically wraps dcd, dfmt and dscanner and uses some 
build/package system (only dub right now) to get informations 
like source paths.

So for testing I wanted to implement it first in atom but the API 
really sucks there so I went with vscode instead because it has 
much better APIs for everything related to an IDE. I think it 
turned out really nice, however it still has a few random minor 
bugs that always fix by reloading the window.

Plugin link:

Install dcd, dfmt, dscanner, workspace-d

cd ~/.vscode/extensions/
git clone
cd code-d
npm install
node ./node_modules/vscode/bin/compile

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