Visual D 0.3.40 unable to build projects under path names with spaces

Rainer Schuetze via Digitalmars-d-ide digitalmars-d-ide at
Mon Feb 2 11:06:09 PST 2015

On 02.02.2015 11:35, finalpatch wrote:
> Hi Rainer,
> Are you saying you don't see this issue with the latest development branch?
> I was referring to the prebuilt 0.3.40 binary at
> , so maybe
> this has been fixed in the repo.
> To be precise, the project templates can generate valid projects, but
> because the build commands created by visuald do not quote the path
> correctly, the project fails to link, and results in weird link errors,
> such as unable to link "user.lib" or "studio.lib".

There are no changes since that release yet, so I'm on the same version 
but some local changes to the mago debugger engine.

Please post the *.build.cmd file from the output folder here. Mine looks 
like this (with bad lin breaks shown in my mail program):

set PATH=m:\s\d\rainers\windows\\bin;C:\Program Files (x86)\Windows 
dmd -g -debug -X -Xf"Debug\Console_App6.json" 
-deps="Debug\Console_App6.dep" -c -od"Debug" main.d
if errorlevel 1 goto reportError

set LIB="m:\s\d\rainers\windows\bin\..\..\lib"
echo. > 
 >> c:\users\rainer\DOCUME~1\VISUAL~1\Projects\COCE3D~1\Debug\CONSOL~1.LNK
echo kernel32.lib/NOMAP/CO/NOI/DELEXE >> 

"C:\Program Files (x86)\VisualD\pipedmd.exe" -deps 
Debug\Console_App6.lnkdep m:\s\d\rainers\windows\bin\link.exe 
if errorlevel 1 goto reportError
if not exist "Debug\Console_App6.exe_cv" (echo 
"Debug\Console_App6.exe_cv" not created! && goto reportError)
echo Converting debug information...
"C:\Program Files (x86)\VisualD\cv2pdb\cv2pdb.exe" 
"Debug\Console_App6.exe_cv" "Debug\Console_App6.exe"
if errorlevel 1 goto reportError
if not exist "Debug\Console_App6.exe" (echo "Debug\Console_App6.exe" not 
created! && goto reportError)

goto noError

echo Building Debug\Console_App6.exe failed!


Maybe there is something wrong with the "short" names?

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