Visual D - hide the top menu item in non-D projects by default?
Rainer Schuetze via Digitalmars-d-ide
digitalmars-d-ide at
Mon Feb 2 11:24:38 PST 2015
On 02.02.2015 10:21, Ivan Kazmenko wrote:
> Hi!
> When I open Visual Studio with Visual D installed, it shows Visual D
> right in the top-level menu, along with File, Edit, View, Debug, etc.
> While it seems to contain some C++-to-D conversion tools, generally,
> people won't need the menu in non-D projects. So, it looks kind of
> unnecessary and intrusive for people using the same IDE for writing C++
> code (takes up space and changes the customary layout).
> Now, the the question is: how can I set the things up so that the Visual
> D menu item appears only when a D project is active? Currently, I only
> know how to remove the menu item altogether (via right click ->
> Customize -> Commands -> Delete), which sadly makes it unavailable for D
> projects, too.
> Ivan Kazmenko.
I like to use some commands from the Visual D tool set for other
languages, too. For example I can't work without "Search file", though
the Solution Explorer has something similar, but way too slow and
inaccessible. Having "Compile and Run/Debug" available is also useful
for small D programs without having to create a project.
I understand that having an additional menu entry with multiple
extensions can take away too much space, but I don't know a way that you
can set things up to make it disappear automatically. I guess that will
be the task of Visual D itself. I'll add it to the todo list...
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