Intellij d plugin

Kingsley via Digitalmars-d-ide digitalmars-d-ide at
Sun Nov 8 23:46:04 PST 2015


Just to let you know I've started work again on my d language 
support plugin for intellij.

My original attempt was using the eclipse DDT parser but it had 
severe performance problems due to the way I had to connect it 
due to IntelliJ various restrictions on external parsers etc

Anyway I've spent a lot of this year learning how to write 
grammars in bnf format from scratch and have begun implementing 
again from the ground up using the grammar I'm working on.

I'm aware there is another D plugin already in the IntelliJ 
library list made by someone else - however it's only got very 
basic support and the grammar has many holes and issues etc. So I 
believe my plugin will supersede this one in time as I already 
implemented quite a lot of features on the original DDT based 
version. So it's not a big effort to add those back in.

I'm aiming to get the first cut out by end of the year with all 
the features of my previous attemp minus the horrible performance 
- this included code folding, syntax highlighting, jump to 
definitions, quick find, code completion, syntax checking, dub 
support and auto run configurations. It did not include quick 
fixes, refactoring support or debugging. The second milestone mid 
2016 aims to bring quick fixes, refactoring tools and minor 
improvements. Then the end of next year I hope to complete 
debugger support.

It's a slow but steady plan of progress which might go faster or 
slower depending on life etc

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