VisualD's Intellisense not workign with gtk

Rainer Schuetze via Digitalmars-d-ide digitalmars-d-ide at
Fri Aug 4 00:27:54 PDT 2017

On 04.08.2017 04:31, Johnson Jones wrote:
> On Friday, 4 August 2017 at 01:33:53 UTC, Johnson Jones wrote:
>> On Thursday, 13 July 2017 at 06:30:07 UTC, Rainer Schuetze wrote:
>>> On 13.07.2017 01:55, FoxyBrown wrote:
>>>> On Tuesday, 11 July 2017 at 07:16:33 UTC, Rainer Schuetze wrote:
>>>>> [...]
>>>> No luck. gtk. does nothing intellisense wise. I have all the check 
>>>> boxes checked under language options/intellisense.
>>> It works for me, but takes a couple of seconds to digest all the gtk 
>>> files. There is no completion before that finishes. I've tried it 
>>> with a file looking like this:
>>> module gtkAll;
>>> public import gtk.AboutDialog;
>>> public import gtk.AccelGroup;
>>> ...
>>>> In the solution.json file, There is this, which only seems to be 
>>>> import modules and enums, no functions are added, maybe that is the 
>>>> problem? I do not have the gtk files in the solution(they are only 
>>>> imported during compilation), do I need to import them in to the 
>>>> solution for everything to work? (
>>>> [
>>>>   {
>>>>    "name" : "gtk.All",
>>>>    "kind" : "module",
>>>>    "file" : "..\\..\\..\\DLang\\GtkD\\generated\\gtkd\\gtk\\All.d",
>>>>    "members" : [
>>>>     {
>>>>      "name" : "gtk.AboutDialog",
>>>>      "kind" : "import",
>>>>      "line" : 3,
>>>>      "char" : 15
>>>>     },
>>> ...
>>>>    ]
>>>>   },
>>> The project built JSON file only covers the files actually in the 
>>> project. You can create a full JSON file with the help of rdmd, e.g.
>>> rdmd -X gtkd\gtkAll.d
>>> That will likely fail due to object file generation or link errors, 
>>> but should still build the JSON file.
>> What do I do with the json file when it is created? Where does it go? 
>> I'd like to get intellisense to work with gtkD. I tried adding the 
>> gtkD but it locked up VS. The files are 10MB+. There are two files.
>> gtkD_all.exe.json
>> gtkD_all.json
>> How do I tell visual D to look in those files to use for intellisense?
>> Visual D has a "Build Phobos Browse Info". Is that essentially what it 
>> does but on the phobos src directory?
> I put the files in a dir and told that under the JSON edit box in 
> properties in visual D/studio and eventually it seems that intelligent 
> started working. (it didn't work at first but after a few hours I 
> noticed that I was getting intellisense, not sure if that is what did it 
> or something else I might have fiddled with).
> How does Visual D use those files? Does the file name have anything to 
> do with it or does it just load any files inside the dir and then search 
> the json for a match?

Yes, more or less the latter. You can also browse the loaded JSON files 
in the "Object Browser" window.

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