Visual D needs to support VS better

Profile Anaysis via Digitalmars-d-ide digitalmars-d-ide at
Mon Jan 23 14:23:52 PST 2017

All the great features we know and love in C/C++/C# don't work 
well in VisualD. Things like peak definition, find all 
references, debugging issues: variables not showing up, becoming 
corrupt requiring a clean of the solution, variables with 
different scopes but same name getting corrupt, the inability to 
watch variables properly due to scope issues, breakpoints not 
always functioning as expected, etc.

The things I use most in VS are the things that VD neglected to 
implement ;/ This makes the experience when programming VD very 
poor for me. While I can code and build just like in C++, which 
VD does a good job at, all the bells and whistles that have 
become an integral part of the programming experience for me are 
missing ;/

Because these features greatly enhance my productivity, I feel 
very inefficient when programming D code and this leads me to not 
desiring to use D or VD.

The debugging experience is almost painful because it is somewhat 
alien and does not function as VC++'s debugging experience does. 
Because it is so close, of course, it creates more of a mess than 
it helps in many cases.

In VC++/VC# I can rely on the debugger to help me quickly solve 
my problems. I have had several experiences where the VD 
debugger(most mago and VS version) have show incorrect values 
leading me to believe I am having some other problem than what is 
really going on. Once I clean the project they start working 
again only to eventually become corrupt.

I know it must be hard work to main VD to keep it consistent with 
visual studio(which nearly changes every year), Until the D 
community comes up with a proper visual program environment, it 
is all that us "newbs" have(if I had to program out of notepad 
I'd probably hang myself, it's like using MS Paint vs Adobe 

How hard would it be to add these features? I would think that 
many windows C++ would be more willing to get in to D if the 
hurdle was not so mind boggling(as it is almost better for it to 
be completely different, at least one doesn't go in with 
expectations and habits).

Any idea if you will ever get around to implementing these 
features and fixing some of the issues? (Seems like VD hasn't 
been updated in a while)

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