Visual D MSBuild + DUB dependencies

Markus Pursche pursche01 at
Sun Dec 16 20:26:29 UTC 2018

Hi, I was wondering if there is any future plans on adding DUB 
dependency support to the VisualD MSBuild project type, to still 
allow for package management using DUB?

I love the integration with MSBuild, it has made things a lot 
easier when writing a hybrid C++/D application, but my current 
solution to using DUB packages is to simply download it and 
either drop the source straight into my project or adding it as a 
static library. I would love to have the best of both worlds, 
MSBuild integration with a VisualD options page for DUB 
dependencies. Is this a feature under consideration for the 

Great job with VisualD by the way, keep it up!

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