Text editor with autocompletion + linting + formatting

Jacob Shtokolov jacob.100205 at gmail.com
Thu Jul 26 16:06:37 UTC 2018

On Thursday, 26 July 2018 at 01:06:32 UTC, aedt wrote:
> I'm guessing VS Code has the most decent support for D. It's a 
> shame I can no longer put up with VS Code.

Well, the thing is that in theory, you can use the 'serve-d' 
project (https://github.com/Pure-D/serve-d) with almost every 
editor that supports the LSP (Language Server Protocol) since 
'serve-d' is a LSP implementation.

So you could try to connect it to Vim for instance, using the LSP 
client plugins like this one: 

However, in practice it's not guaranteed that you won't get any 
issues connecting those things together.

But you can try.

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