Dustmite + Visual D
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Tue Nov 6 23:53:21 UTC 2018
On Sunday, 4 November 2018 at 17:16:55 UTC, Michelle Long wrote:
> C:\a\b\b\b.dustmite\..\..\..\..\x\y\pegged\dynamic\grammar.d:
> The process cannot access the file because it is being used by
> another process
> When I run dustmite on a project.
> The x is a junction. Nothing is accessing grammar.d except
> maybe visual studio internally... but even if it were it still
> should be accessible for copying. (after all I can open the
> file).
> Seems visual D craps out because it is a junction?
> Could this be remedied?
> I use junctions often because it helps with organization(rather
> than duplicating).
> It may not be from it being a junction, but if it is not I
> can't imagine why it is having trouble with it(assuming the
> error message is correct).
Suggestion, when getting lock error, use Process Explorer to
inspect which process has an open handle on it and work from
there. You can google Process Explorer and down load it from
Microsoft website
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