Visual D pass ldc2 parameters -conf=etc/ldc2.conf

Michelle Long HappyDance321 at
Thu Feb 28 13:06:29 UTC 2019

Trying to pass

to ldc2 so it will load but this goes to dmd and it errors out.

also when I go to command line, it shows dmd even though I have 
ldc2 as the compiler

$(VisualDInstallDir)pipedmd.exe" -deps 
"$(OutDir)\$(ProjectName).dep" dmd -m64 -g -gf -debug -X 
-L/PDB:"$(IntDir)\$(SafeProjectName).pdb" -L/SUBSYSTEM:CONSOLE 

and I put the additional option and it passes it to dmd.

I need to be able to properly pass command line arguments to ldc2.

I'm assuming that the above is for dmd's arguments to ldc2, but I 
need specific arguments to ldc2 per project.

So possibly have a sub page that does the same but for the ldc2 
side when the ldc configuration is being used?

Or just another text box below for ld2 options.

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